Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nefertiti?! What did she do for Ancient Egypt?!

Nefertiti offering Aten a gift (usually done by King).
QUEEN Nefertiti and her husband the Pharaoh Akenaten brought the idea of monotheism to Ancient Egypt. No, they didn't worship Jesus but rather something I've never worshiped in MY life. They worshiped the sun! That's right the sun, they've even named it Aten which means old sun (hahaha that's blatant). Of course, since the queen and the Pharaoh were in power they could make all the citizens do what they want....can you see where I'm going with this? They banned polytheistic worship, kidnapped the rebels and tore down the polytheistic worship places. I guess you could say they were pretty violent. Oh! And listen to this, Queen Nefertiti worshiped herself and made everyone else in town worship her too! After their reign ended Egypt returned to their polytheistic ways. Hahaha, so I don't think Nefertiti really did anything good for Ancient Egypt!


  1. I think it is safe to say that Nefertiti was pretty self-absorbed. Don't you think? Doesn't she know that if you make people do something they will be more angry every moment? Oh, I almost forgot, did the worshipping of the sun have to do with the boat ride around the dark side and the sunrise and praise? Sorry I don't remember the name.

  2. Hahaha! What does blatant mean?!? Haha I think it was funny when you were all like, so pretty much Nefertiti didn't do much good for Egypt, I don't know why I think thats funny hahaha it just is!

  3. Are u guys sure this is a reliable source of information?

  4. Are u guys sure this is a reliable source of information?

  5. No, Nefertiti worshipped Aten, the Sun God. Why did you put that she worshipped herself near the end???
