Thursday, November 18, 2010

Did the People of Ancient Egypt Like or Hate Her?

Although Nefertiti and her husband the Pharaoh Akhenaten took away polytheistic worship Ancient Egyptians didn't hate Nefertiti until little King Tut's reign. Nefertiti represented elegance, power, great fashion sense and everlasting beauty. I think of Nefertiti of like a Audrey Hepburn of Ancient Egypt (only more powerful)! Citizens of Ancient Egypt really admired Nefertiti and gave her nicknames like the Goddess of Favor, Beloved One and the Lady of Two Lands. So I guess you could say  in the eyes of the Egyptians, Nefertiti really was the perfect lady!


  1. Did the ancient Egyptians say she was perfect before or after she stole their rights of worship? I wouldn't see how they could call her perfect after unless she forced them to call her that. What do you think?

  2. Hahahaha Madison!! Of course you would include fashion in there! Typical!
